Tree Farmer Magazine

Tree Farmer Magazine

Tree Farmer Magazine Knowledge, experience, and information are available through the Tree Farm Program. You will receive a one-year subscription to Tree Farmer magazine from the American Forest Foundation. This publication will keep you up-to-date with forest...
Pioneer Tree Farm Program

Pioneer Tree Farm Program

Pioneer Tree Farm Program If you are just discovering the benefits of forest management and have not yet met the qualifications for full Tree Farm certification, you may be eligible as a Pioneer Tree Farmer. By developing a written management plan and showing a desire...
Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started Sound forest management begins with determining your objectives: determining what you have on your land and developing a forest management plan. A professional forester can assist you with this and answer any questions you might have. A free inspection...
Landowner Benefits

Landowner Benefits

Landowner Benefits As a certified tree farmer you will find great pride and satisfaction in managing your forest resources while protecting the interests of your family and others. For your effort you will receive a certificate identifying your woodlands as a Tree...
We Want to Hear From You

We Want to Hear From You

We Want to Hear From You The SFI member companies have made a commitment to integrate public concerns and expectations into the way they manage their lands. These concerns must be addressed while respecting the rights of the more than 250,000 forest landowners in West...