Online Logger Recertification Course
Convenient Logging Certification Training Now Available Online
Every two years, loggers across West Virginia have the opportunity to refresh their knowledge on state laws and Silvicultural Best Management Practices. Traditionally, this meant finding an in-person training session that fit their schedule and location. Recognizing the challenges of attending fixed-location trainings, the WV Division of Forestry and WVU Extension Service/Appalachian Hardwood Center now have an online training option.
Logger Certification Requirements
West Virginia’s Logging Sediment Control Act mandates logger certification, which must be renewed every two years. The recertification process includes an application, a fee, and six hours of continuing education credits. Two of these credits specifically focus on updates to WV Laws and Silvicultural Best Management Practices.
Flexible Learning Options
The two-credit online course is designed exclusively for loggers seeking re-certification. It must be complemented by an additional four credits from approved meetings, trainings, webinars, and other professional development offerings. Loggers are encouraged to check with the WVFA, Sustainable Forestry Initiative Companies, or WVU Extension for additional training topics and sessions. For those who prefer traditional methods, the standard WV Division of Forestry full-day in-person course remains available.
Self-Paced Online Training
Loggers can now self-register for the free two-credit WV Best Management Practices Recertification course. This online option eliminates the need to sacrifice a full day of field work and allows participants to complete the training at their own pace. The course features:
- Four comprehensive core modules
- Interactive quick tests to verify understanding
- Engaging multimedia content including videos and photos
- Narrated sections to illustrate key concepts
Upon successful completion, participants receive a certificate, and their records are automatically updated with the WV Division of Forestry.
Looking Ahead
This new online training provides an alternative pathway for logger recertification. While designed to accommodate those comfortable with digital learning, in-person training opportunities remain available for those who prefer traditional instruction. The program will be continually assessed and updated to incorporate new required topics and enhance the learning experience.