The West Virginia Forestry Association is a non-profit organization funded by its membership
Our members include individuals and businesses involved in forest management, timber production, firewood production, harvesting, and wood product manufacturing. Our members are concerned with protecting the environment, as well as enhancing the future of West Virginia’s forests through multiple-use management. Watch below a video introduction to WVFA and the industry that we proudly represent.
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WVFA Updates
New Event Coordinator
Hello everyone! I wanted to take the time to introduce myself, my name is Gabrielle Hedges. As the Event Coordinator, I will be overseeing getting the events of the year ready such as our annual conference and A.B. Brooks (to name a few). I will also help to keep the...
Forest Products Week Essay Contest
West Virginia is the 3rd most forested state in the nation, covering about 78% of the state’s total land area or about 12 million acres. This abundant and renewable natural resource is an important asset to the state’s forest products industry. The forest products...
Fall 2023 WVFA Magazine
Summer 2023 WVFA Magazine
Tree Farm Scholarship Application Available Now!
THIS SCHOLARSHIP is intended to assist the child or grandchild of a West Virginia Tree Farmer in their pursuit of a higher education. Funding has been provided by the family of Pat Plitt, individual Tree Farmers and various fundraisers conducted by the WV Tree Farm...
WV Forest Landowners’ Perceptions of Forest Carbon Offset Programs
A Poster Presentation from Jordan E. Stewart and Kathryn Gazal West Virginia University, Davis College of Agriculture Natural Resources and DesignAbstract Several carbon offset programs have been made available to West Virginia (WV) forest landowners that allow them...
Winter 2022/23 WVFA Magazine
2022 Snapshot of Forest Carbon in West Virginia
Author: Dr. Alex Finkral, The Forestland Group About 25 years ago, I visited a forest in Belize where US and Canadian energy companies were paying a landowner not to harvest trees. The idea, which was borderline radical back then, was that carbon emissions from...
Focus on the Forest PLT Educator Workshop
January 18-19 - Environmental Literacy at NCTC in Shepardstown (Ches Bay) Feb 4 - Marion County Educators PLT Workshop - Fairmont Feb 11 - WV State University Joint PLT/ WET training (Institute) March 2, 9, 16, 23 - Citizen Science Grant Co. School March 25 - Mineral...